Sunday, November 27, 2011

Yeha Zindgi Ik Emtiha'n hai - S2 ...

"Yeha Zindgi Ik Emtiha'n hai", have read this verse couple of times but now i am able to understand its true meaning. CUST makes me able to understand it in a quite practical and real way :D ...

S-2 is going to start from tomorrow, again a hectic week is waiting for me with lots of pressure to achieve my goal.....

Having tension of internship marks and highest aim to achieve, i m quite in piece that this time i am working harder and hope that i will achieve better......

I know YOU are with me as YOU were in the past. stay with me and provide me with success !!

                              Again wish me luck "book of life" !!
                                         hope to see you after S-2 .........................

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Inqilab-E-Pakistan..... an awesome song indeed !!

don't just listen it as a song, look at the words and the deep grief.....
its a reality that we are facing and don't know for how long we have to face it......... !!

Celebrated Aati's Mom & Dad ' Birthday Anniversary '

Had a great time yesterday with bunch of friend laughing and chatting with each other to create one more M'Memory.Aati has celebrated his Mom & Dad's ' Birthday Anniversary '.Although the cake is not 'cream cake' but i really enjoyed it because it was still a Chocolate cake :)

Celebrated in C1 with mix of A B C section pals, this is one of the gr3at birthday i have.After having pieces of cake and snaps with aati.Their is a protest by aati to his Mom & Dad having very funny comments by other's aswell :D (hope to upload that video very soon) ...

'Sohn halwa' was served after all have finished their cake and was contributed by sohaib and hassan i think and it was also very delicious specially the nuts.....
overall, a M event that has made this Last Semester much better than the pace in which it was going....

May everyone's MOM & DAD live long and may we will be able to fulfill all their dreams.Ameen !!

aati, wishing Birthday Anniversary to his Mom & Dad

mohsin, ubaid & tarar

ubaid and tarar, pose for a pic :D

its cake not a nut, aati :P
ubaid & aati

sohaib & aati


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

D's Birthday Bash....... in Dark !! :)

A simple yet a good birthday party of " Nadia, Dia, D, Vampire & XL" (and the list continues.... :D)

celebrated at 'Love Garden' comsats make that evening a Candle light :)

took couple of minutes to gather all pals, filled with voices of HAPPY BIRTHDAY and trying to fetch pieces of cake, this birthday has came to an end...

oh wait, just forget to tell you the most funniest thing: "keema of cake" by kashi. He had pieced the cake such that it looked like small chunks of cake but that added a lot because we were able to save some pieces for Sir Kashif ... :)

looking very descent that day and enjoyed her day, D's birthday has came to and end..!!

wishing her health, wealth and success for the colorful life ahead and some quite wishes aswell :) ....

Monday, November 14, 2011

Poem : Looking out of the windos ..

looking out of the window

to experience the cold and quite darkness
thinking of your harder
but your image appears to be blurred

is it the fog of this night
or the tears in my eyes

i don't know why i am still

looking out of the window

Entrepreneurship Poster Competition !!

My own work for Entrepreneurship Poster Competition at CUST....
last night it just came to mind that tomorrow is the last date for submission of poster, ohh !! i just ran to my PC room and started my too 15 mints to sketch the Quotations and posters layout and then about an hour to complete them on PowerPoint.
finally submitted my work and now hoping for the best...
wish me luck pal !! :)
Have a look at my work
i consider it the 2nd best 
i consider it the best 

this is ok for me

Friday, November 11, 2011

Kiu Udass Phirtay Ho ??

 Sajjad Ali - Iss Tarha .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

a very close to my heart ghazal but in Winters ... 
do give it a try, you will like it!! 
njoy sAD DAYS OF WINTER .....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sessional 1 ... the last moment preparation !!

Brand Mgt study time
After last paper
A very different and difficult sessional of CUST, indeed !!
But like every sessional, this sessional has also created wonderful memories for me..
The illness of Razii on 1st paper, birthday party of Nazia, the hactic one night preparation of Brand Management, Aati's 4 gpa in internship, Mubi's 87 marks in internship, Missed birthday party of Sidra , photo session on last paper day and lots more..
Before and after the papers, not only i but nearly everyone has the same feelings regarding preparation and difficulty level of papers :D
it was really a memorable sessional-1 as it was my last sessional-1 at CUST :(
will miss you [ SESSIONAL-1 ] .....

Group halla gulla .. study will be second priority during group study :)
Omee..... posing or ....

Voldermort's hORCRUX ... lolx
Kashi... just possing
omee...... in dark :)

Once upon a time in CUST :D
Ayaz & Bangash.... with us !!

Aati during I.M phobia :P

Sheela...... upcoming :P


Happening..... lolz
Aati & Ashiq
Add caption
International Marketing
Razii has found something :D
the important thing in this pic is FINGER :D
 Just Notes
its what we call.... STYLE !! ;)