Friday, September 23, 2011

A Journey of thousand miles....

As I am to start my first blog post, I am just thinking about how to start or from where to start. Should I start with my past or should I be remain in what is going on right now. Should I describe this dark night in this empty room or should I write something I’m thinking of.

Everyone use to love his Childhood, so do I.So for the first post I am sharing my childhood memory with you. This picture is the one among the few childhood memory I had from my birth place ‘Rahim Yar Khan’, the book of my childhood. The city, which has bestowed me with a wonderful and mesmerizing childhood and dozens of childhood friends.

Lauch of Walls

This picture was taken at the launch of ‘Walls Ice cream’ in was launched in Rahim Yar Khan as a test product with the residents of ‘Lever Estate’ especially  the members of Management Club ( that was specifically for those employees who belong to management level at Unileve, formally known as Lever Brothers Pakistan Ltd.)

It was a memorable event for me as I stood first in 3-legs race partnering with sunny. That was really a fantastic event and I still have a smile on my face while recalling this event. After receiving the prize, I had taken my bicycle and headed toward my mom to show her the prize and to inform her about my victory, oh dear childhood how innocent and free bird you had made me that time.

I am standing in red t-shirt and black pent at victory position. 
My two childhood buddies 

Formally, starting the event.

There are still lots of to share with you book of LIFE and i will share with you often.
so, keep in touch and pray for me.

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